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Search results for 'satellite'

Found 8 results for your search..

Elon Musk’s Satellite Makes Amazon Forest Tribe Addicted to Porn

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite has brought internet to a remote Amazon tribe, leading to youth addiction to games and porn, and causing concern among elders.

Nitin Gadkari Ends Tolls; Announces New GPS Toll Collection

Nitin Gadkari announces the end of toll plazas and the introduction of a satellite-based toll collection system, aiming to reduce waiting times and toll prices while utilizing GPS technology.

ISRO launches Brazil's Amazonia-1 Satellite

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Brazil’s satellite Amazonia-1 along with 18 co-passenger satellites in an Indian rocket.

Abandoned Sri Lankan Boat Found near Sriharikota

An abandoned boat was found with Sri Lankan registration near launch site of the RISAT-2B satellite in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

India Launches 'Cloud-Proof' Spy Satellite

On 22nd May 2019, India successfully launched the RISAT-2B earth observation satellite into the earth’s orbit. This satellite has been dubbed as a spy satellite which will be used for military as well

Mission Shakti Makes India Space Super Power

India successfully launches anti-satellite missile and becomes a space super power.

India-France Seal Agreement for Maritime Security

India’s space research organisation ISRO and CNES its French counterpart have signed an agreement to set up a marine surveillance system in India. This system will utilise the satellites to detect, id