Understanding Fruit Stickers

There are different types of stickers on fruits. To know more about it watch our latest video.

You would have noticed stickers on apple or any other fruit. These stickers generally contain a bar code with some number on it. Now you would be thinking that this means the fruit is of high quality, healthy and organic. Right? No. That is not true. These can be fake. But how do we know if it is organic or not? Let me tell you 3 ways.

1. Take any fruit with a sticker on it. The sticker will have numbers on it. If the number starts with 9, then the fruit is organic, healthy and of high quality.

2. If the numbers on the sticker starts with 8, then the fruit is half organic. It has some amount of chemicals injected that could harm our health.

3. If the sticker has only 4 digits instead of 5, and if the numbers start with 4. it means that the fruit has higher amount of chemicals in it and it is extremely dangerous.

Do not buy fruits with such stickers. Be careful!
