80Yr Old Russian Woman Living with Needle in Brain

An 80-year-old Russian woman lived with a needle in her brain, likely from a WWII-era infanticide attempt, without any health problems.

An 80-year-old woman in Russia has been unknowingly living her whole life with a needle in her brain. The unexpected discovery came to light when doctors were carrying out a CT Scan. The needle is three centimeters long and has never caused the lady any health issues so far that could put her in danger. The team of doctors studying the woman's scan shared that the woman never complained of headaches or any brain complications. Neither did she face any injuries or accidents that could lead to a needle in her brain. Per sources, the needle was found in her left parietal lobe and doctors believe that it has been lying in there since she was a baby. According to doctors, the woman is a victim of "a failed infanticide" that may have been carried out by her parents. They believe her parents probably decided to kill their child during World War II by inserting a needle into the newborn's head. A local health department in Sakhalin, Russia said that such cases were not uncommon during the famine years. This needle insertion method was popular back in the day to kill newborns. Parents would insert a needle into a soft spot of the infant's head where the bones of the skull hadn't formed. The spot then obscures the needles, causing death. Luckily, she survived. The doctors have decided not to conduct surgery to get the needle out of the woman's brain as it could potentially worsen her situation. In the meantime, an attending physician is monitoring her condition to check for any complications or development of new symptoms. They reveal that the unnamed woman is in no danger.
