After Rafa - All Eyes on Hindus in Pakistan Goes Viral

After "All Eyes on Rafah," a trend "All Eyes on Hindus in Pakistan" emerged, highlighting Hindu persecution. Israel responded with "Where were your eyes?"

A recent social media post has sparked a heated debate regarding the coverage of global crises, particularly focusing on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The post, featuring an AI-generated image titled "All Eyes on Rafah," garnered widespread attention, prompting discussions about the selective attention given to certain humanitarian issues.

The image, created by a Malaysian/Singaporean photographer and content creator known as @shahv4012 and on social media, gained significant traction after being attributed to a comment made by the World Health Organization's Palestinian director, Rick Peeperkorn. Peeperkorn's statement, "All eyes are on Rafah," was made in February following an evacuation plan ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu before attacks on the city.

Within a mere 24 hours, the picture accumulated an astounding 34 million shares on Instagram, capturing the attention of people worldwide. However, amidst the widespread dissemination of the "All Eyes on Rafah" image, another picture began circulating on Instagram, titled "All Eyes on Hindus in Pakistan." Shared by user tark_bharat, this image aimed to draw attention to the plight of Hindus facing persecution in Pakistan.

The accompanying text in the "All Eyes on Hindus in Pakistan" image highlighted the daily challenges and atrocities faced by Hindus in Pakistan, including forced conversions and killings. It questioned why there was a lack of media coverage and international outcry regarding these incidents compared to the attention given to conflicts such as the Israel-Palestine war.

The social media debate intensified as users expressed their opinions on the matter. Some criticized the perceived selective outrage and called for greater awareness of humanitarian crises beyond the scope of mainstream media coverage. Others defended the focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict, citing its geopolitical significance and ongoing human rights violations.

In response to criticisms of bias, Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma's wife, Ritika Sajdeh, faced backlash for sharing the "All Eyes on Rafah" post and subsequently deleting it due to trolling. Users accused her of being selective in her advocacy and failing to address issues such as the plight of Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The debate further escalated when Israel countered with its own image titled "Where were your eyes," referencing a previous Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023. The image, created by Israeli Instagram user Benjamin Jamon, depicted a Hamas gunman standing over an infant, drawing attention to the victims of terrorism.

The controversy surrounding the "All Eyes on Rafah" image underscores broader discussions about media representation, global activism, and the complexities of addressing humanitarian crises in an interconnected world. As social media continues to shape public discourse, it remains crucial to foster dialogue and empathy towards all communities affected by conflict and injustice.
