Drone Delivers Blood to Hospital From Remote Areas

Drones to now transport blood and medicine to hilly area saving time and lives.

Delivering health services in rural areas has always been difficult. A new programme has been created that could help with saving lives. This programme uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which is a Drone fitted with special cooling equipment. his drone transported blood samples over 36km from a health center in Tehri district of Uttarakhand to another district hospital. The drone took 18 minutes to travel the distance. The journey by road would take 70 to 100 minutes. This is faster as it skips traffic.

Nikhil Upadhye, the creator of the drones and founder of CDSpace Robotics Limited, said that the drone is capable of carrying weight of 500gm and can travel 50km on a single charge. The hope is that this will help get medicine to the hilly regions and areas that are hard to get to via road. Dr. Ashutosh Sayana, the principle of Doon Medical College & Hospital, said he hopes this will save lives, and save samples as they get ruined in transport.

