Python Peeps Out Of Spice Shelf in Sydney

A Python peeps out Of spice shelf At Sydney’s Woolworth Supermarket, shocking customers. Watch our latest video to learn more!

For most people, grocery runs are a means to relax and spend some time alone doing mundane tasks. However, a person had a huge shock in a grocery store named ‘Woolworths’ in Sydney on Monday 16 August 2021. Helaina Alati was at the grocery store shopping. She turned her head to look at an aisle and was shocked to see a python sticking out of the spice shelf, sending bottles of sauces and spices tumbling around.The snake was 3 metres long. However, contrary to how most others would have reacted, Alati dealt with the situation calmly as she was a wildlife rescuer and familiar with snakes. Her experience helped her identify the snake as a non-venomous snake known as the ‘Diamond Python’. Ms Alati filmed the snake and immediately alerted staff. She also managed to get the snake out into a snake bag that she had retrieved from her home. She said that she "tapped him on the tail and he just slithered in". The snake was released far away from houses in the area, into the forest, which is a natural habitat for snakes in Sydney. 
