Thieves Pretending to Be Deaf Arrested

Thieves pretending to be deaf cheated several people, were arrested by the Ahmednagar police.

On friday after receiving information from suspicious local, the Maninagar police in Ahmedabad arrested two men for stealing from different homes. Their names are Satyaraj Orthogun and Subramiam Balraj.

After interrogating them the police found that they had stolen 9 laptops and 25 mobile phones. They did this by pretending to be deaf and asking for help. The men visited 40 homes. Each time they pretended to be deaf, showed fake disability certificates and asked the people for donations to the deaf. When the person went inside to get the money, the men would steal laptops and mobile phones and run.

The police have found that a third man was also with them. He has run away to Kerala and the police are looking for him.
