5 Vegan Protein Everyone Should Know About

As we are celebrating World Vegan Month, here's a sneak peek into how you can introduce protein-rich sources in your diet if you adopt veganism.

A vegan lifestyle eliminates all animal products, besides opting out of non-vegetarian foods like fish, eggs, and meat. It means the person who calls themselves vegan is the one who not only restricts from consuming any animal-based products like milk, eggs or meat, but also does not use any products made out of animals like a leather wallet, etc.  Although some people believe that vegetarian or vegan meals are not rich in essential proteins and vitamins. However, we’ll tell you about some extremely good sources of protein which are also vegan. As we are celebrating World Vegan Month, here's a sneak peek into how you can introduce protein-rich sources in your diet if you adopt veganism.


Tofu is a great source of protein for both vegans and vegetarians. It is prepared using soy milk. Tofu can be cooked in many ways,in Indian food, Thai food, Chinese food, etc. Instead of Paneer which is made from milk, people are using Tofu in many Indian dishes. 

Pulses or legumes

Pulses are an important part of a vegan diet, primarily because they are extremely rich in proteins.The dal in your everyday meals is rich in protein. Beans, lentils, and peas are all low-fat and affordable sources of protein.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are oval and grey with black and white spots. Just a single tablespoon of these wholesome seeds offers 2 gm of protein. Additionally, they are used in salads, smoothies, and desserts, making them the perfect source of nutrition for vegans. This superfood expands when soaked in water for about 20 minutes.

Non-dairy milk

Who says vegans can't drink milk? Well, as long as it is plant-based, they can include it in their diet. From almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk to rice milk, oat milk, and hazelnut milk, there's a lot of choices. All these milk products are rich in proteins and other nutrients. However, soy milk is the cheapest in the lot.


Oats are rich in a variety of nutrients, of which proteins are among the highest. It is a low-cost, easily available, delicious, and versatile source of nutrition for vegans.

Did you know about these plant-based sources of protein which are actually a vegan source to a healthy life?
