Benefits of Eating Star Fruit

Star is a yummy summer fruit which is very beneficial for health. Watch our latest video to know all about its health benefits.

Star fruit is a sweet and sour juicy fruit that when cut looks like a starfish! This tropical fruit is native to  Southeast Asia but is now cultivated in various tropical climatic regions across the world.It is mainly found and consumed in India during summer.This fruit is highly beneficial for us. Here's how. Star fruit has a high water content along with fibre and vitamin C. It lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugars. They also have anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It is very low in fat and is good if you want to lose weight. 


How to eat star fruit


Make sure your star fruit is ripe or else it will be too acidic. Ripe star fruit is yellow with hints of green on the ridges.

You can eat the fruit raw. Add some chilli powder or chat masala and it tastes yum! Use it in salads to add that extra zing! You can also add it to seafood dishes for a beautiful flavour. Some people make jams and jellies with it as well. However remember, eat this fruit in moderation. Eating too much of this fruit can cause kidney problems. Those who have kidney problems should not eat this fruit at all. Those under prescribed medications must consult doctors before trying the fruit as it can change the way drugs affect the body. 
