PART 3: Great Inventions by Indians: Health and Science

India's rich medical heritage includes ancient innovations like yoga, Ayurveda, cataract surgery, and plastic surgery, showcasing significant contributions to global health.

India has made significant contributions to global health and medicine over the centuries. Here’s a look at some of the remarkable achievements:


India is renowned for its contribution to healthy living through yoga. Yoga’s origins are linked to Lord Shiva, known as Adi Yogi, who is considered the original yoga guru. People around the world practice yoga for its benefits on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

- International Yoga Day: Celebrated on 21st June every year, this day was marked by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to highlight the importance of yoga. 

You can learn more about the health benefits of yoga in this video: 


Ayurveda, which means "Science of Life," is an ancient system of medicine that has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. 

- Charaka: A key figure in Ayurveda, Charaka was a physician who contributed greatly to this traditional practice. 

Ayurveda focuses on maintaining health through the use of herbs and plants, offering an alternative to modern medicine. It has gained global recognition for its natural approach to wellness.

Cataract Surgery

Indian physician Sushruta, in the 6th century BCE, was a pioneer in cataract surgery. He used a curved needle to loosen and push the cataract to the back of the eye, then applied warm butter and bandages to promote healing. 

- Global Impact: Sushruta’s techniques spread to China and beyond, influencing eye care practices worldwide. Greek scientists came to India to learn and undergo surgery based on his methods.

Plastic Surgery

The first descriptions of reconstructive procedures can be traced back to India. By the 6th century BCE, Indian physicians were performing surgeries similar to today’s cosmetic procedures. 

- Sushruta Samhita: Indian physician Sushruta detailed advanced skin graft techniques in his famous book, showcasing his expertise in plastic surgery.

These are just a few examples of how India has shaped global medicine and health practices. Isn’t it amazing to see how these ancient innovations continue to impact our lives today? 

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