Why Do Women Have Periods?

Menstrual cramps are the pains women experience in the lower abdomen during their menstrual periods. See the video to know some useful home remedies for cramps.

Talking about personal subjects like periods can make parents and kids feel a little uncomfortable. Girls and boys both should have knowledge about periods.

Let me give you some basic information about periods:

Period is a commonly used word but it is called menstruation or menstrual cycle. That is how we get the sign MC from Menstrual Cycle. As a girl develops into a woman, her body changes so she can have a baby when she grows up and makes the place in the body ready for the baby to grow inside. The place where a baby grows is called a uterus.  

There are also a lot of changes in hormones in the body. The ovaries release the hormones and the female eggs. These hormones cause the lining of the uterus to build up. The uterus gets ready for a fertilized egg which is when the male sperm attaches to the female egg. This fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall and starts’ developing into a baby and the woman becomes pregnant. If there is no fertilized egg, the lining of the uterus breaks down and bleeds.

Then the same process happens all over again. It usually takes about a month for the lining to build up, and then break down. That is why most girls and women get their periods around once a month.

Every month the uterus wall gets ready for a baby. If there is no baby, the uterus wall comes off and bleeds. This blood comes out through a woman's vagina. Periods usually last about 5 days. But a period can last shorter or longer.


A girl has emotional and physical symptoms that happen before or during her period. It is called PMS (premenstrual syndrome). These symptoms can include mood swings, sadness, anxiety, bloating, and acne. They go away after a few days of a period.

Many women experience menstrual cramps or pains in the lower abdomen, just before and during their menstrual periods. Pain can be very mild or very severe. It may be combined with nausea, loose motions, headache, and dizziness.

I will tell you some useful home remedies (solutions / cure) for mild to temporary cramps

Apply heat to your abdomen and lower back: A study found that a heat patch / hot water bag was very effective in relieving cramps. They also help in decreasing fatigue and mood swings. But please do not sleep with a heated pad / hot water bag as it can cause burns.

Massaging with essential oils can be helpful: Some essential oils like lavender, rose, cinnamon, and clove can ease period cramps when massaged onto the abdomen as they can improve circulation. Before using these oils, mix them with oil like coconut or jojoba. Take a few drops of this mixture and massage your abdomen in a circular motion for five minutes every day during periods. The smell will help relax as well. 

Increase magnesium in your diet: Studies have found that magnesium from the food can also help ease the pain of cramps. Magnesium can be found in almonds, black beans, spinach, and yogurt.

Some exercises can help in period cramps: If you have bad cramps / pains, you may not want to move, may just want to lay down, but there are some exercises that can help in easing pain by increasing blood flow to the abdomen.

Exercises like aerobics, stretching, and yoga can help decrease the intensity of menstrual pain, and may also shorten its duration 

Medicinal support for severe cramps:  Over-the-counter painkillers are another effective way to get relief. However, talk with your doctor before taking the medication, and always follow the instructions on the medicine. But, if you have severe pain and heavy bleeding you must visit your doctor.

Periods are a natural, healthy part of a girl's / women’s life. They should not interfere in the way of exercising, having fun, and enjoying life. 
