China Claims Land in 18 Territories

China’s expansionist behaviour has led to it having border disputes with 18 different nations.

Currently, the tension at the Indo- China border LAC is increasing due to China’s intrusion into Indian territory. Now China's expansionist behaviour against its other neighbouring nations has also been exposed.

It seems that China does not want friends and peaceful borders. The only thing that China wants is territory, more and more of it. Currently China has border disputes with 18 different countries. Recently Russian Embassy posted a video to celebrate the 160th anniversary of  Vladivostok, a place in Russia, on the Chinese social media website Weibo. Chinese diplomats, journalists, media and jingoistic social media users instantly objected to the video. 

They started saying that Vladivostok was a part of China as it was the Qing’s Manchurian homeland.  It was added to the  Russian empire in 1860 after China was defeated by the British and the French during the  Second Opium war. China is claiming Vladivostok is their territory based on what happened in the middle of the nineteenth century (1801 – 1900). China is also being accused of encroaching upon 64 hectares of land in Nepal.  China claims parts of Nepal stating that they were parts of Tibet at the time of the China-Nepal War in 1788-1792; therefore they are part of China. Earlier in May 2020, China’s state-run China Global Television Network (CGTN) in a tweet said that Mount Everest was a part of China and not Nepal. In July 2017, senior Bhutanese officials spoke up against Chinese encroachments along the border and asked China to respect the procedure for border settlement that it had itself agreed on with Bhutan. Bhutan has said that Chinese patrols at the border have stopped Bhutanese cattle farmers from accessing pasture lands in Bhutan’s territory. The world moved past expansionism after World War II ended, but China doesn’t want to understand that.
