Noida: AC Blast Caused by Heatwave Leads Massive Fire

A fire broke out on the morning of 30th May 2024 in a flat of the highrise building in Noida Sector 100 due to the ongoing heatwave in the region. Here are a few tips to keep your ACs safe.

The current heatwave is not just making life uncomfortable; it’s also proving dangerous. On May 30, 2024, a fire broke out at 10:00 am in a flat on the 10th floor of the “Lotus Boulevard” highrise in Noida Sector 100. Nearby residents quickly evacuated their flats and gathered in the refuge area of the society as smoke filled the air.

Five fire trucks responded promptly, and the fire department managed to control the blaze without any major structural damage to the building. Fortunately, no injuries or casualties were reported.

Chief Fire Officer Pradeep Kumar Choubey of Noida’s Gautam Buddh Nagar stated that the fire started due to the explosion of a split air conditioner’s indoor unit, which led to massive flames engulfing the room. The fire did not spread beyond the room thanks to functioning firefighting systems like sprinklers and extinguishers.

The video of the incident has gone viral, raising concerns about similar occurrences in homes and offices. CFO Choubey explained that such incidents are usually caused by electrical or mechanical failures, and in this case, he suspects overheating due to the combination of continuous use and extremely high temperatures.

Over the last 10-12 days, similar incidents have been reported across residential, business, and industrial towers. On May 29, 2024, the Delhi Fire Services received 183 fire-related calls, the highest number this year.

Reports suggest that summer sees more fire incidents in India due to continuous AC usage, leading to overheating. While air conditioners are essential for comfort during heatwaves, they can become fire hazards. Here are some tips to keep your AC safe, especially during summer:

1. Don't run AC 24/7: Residential and office ACs are not designed for continuous operation. Turn them off periodically to prevent overheating.

2. Change air filters regularly: Clogged filters restrict airflow, causing the AC to work harder and overheat.

3. Clean the outdoor unit: Keep the condenser’s coils clear of debris like leaves and twigs to maintain efficiency and prevent overheating.

4. Give your AC space to breathe: Ensure at least two feet of clearance around the outdoor unit for proper airflow.

5. Never use an extension cord: AC units need dedicated circuits. Extension cords can overload circuits and cause sparks or short circuits.

6. Professional maintenance: Schedule quarterly checks with a qualified technician to inspect wiring, check for loose connections, and identify potential problems.

7. Listen and smell your AC: Unusual noises or odors can indicate issues. If your AC makes grinding noises, vibrates excessively, or emits burning smells, shut it off immediately and contact a technician.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your AC remains a safe and efficient lifesaver during the scorching summer months.
