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Search results for 'Natural'

Found 32 results for your search..

The Right Way to Consume Highly Beneficial Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice is a nutritious, natural summer drink with numerous health benefits, but should be consumed in moderation.

Belgium Man’s Body Makes Alcohol Naturally

Belgian man accused of drunk driving exonerated after court discovers rare condition causing his body to produce alcohol naturally.

Sugar V/s Jaggery: Which is better?

Find out why Jaggery is a healthier choice than sugar as it's naturally processed, retains more nutrients, and doesn't involve chemicals.

Natural Remedies to Remove Rats & Mice From Home?

Natural remedies like mint oil, chili flakes, onions, garlic, and bay leaves can help deter and eliminate rats at home.

Remove Upper lip Hair with Natural Home Remedies

Remove upper lip hair at home with DIY methods using lemon, sugar, baking soda, yogurt, honey, turmeric, and corn flour with milk.

Natural Inhalant For Cough And Cold

Seeking natural remedies for cough and cold? Try homemade inhalants like roasted ajwain, ajwain with salt, or a blend of camphor, clove, ajwain, and eucalyptus oil.

Tips to Treat a Burnt Tongue

Some natural and home remedies for instant relief from a burnt tongue. Watch our video for more details.

Shoo Away House Flies With Natural Remedies

Houseflies irritate the crap out of everyone but instead of using the chemical repellents, here are some natural ways to repel houseflies.

Scientist Claims Covid Was Man Made!

A US based scientist at Wuhan lab has now claimed that Covid-19 was a human made virus and not a naturally occurring pandemic.

What Should You Do During an Earthquake?

In order to keep yourself and your loved ones safe during an earthquake, there are various steps which you should be aware of.

7 Health Benefits of Eating Apples

Apples are very nutritious and have many health benefits. Watch our latest video to know all about it.

How to Get Rid of Blood Pressure #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video to get rid of blood pressure naturally.

How to Remove Pimples Naturally! #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video to learn how to remove pimples naturally!

4 Ways To Darken Mehendi Naturally

Instead of using dye or other chemically infused Mehendi, try using these kitchen ingredients to darken it naturally.

100% Pure Skincare Products - Make at Home #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video for 100% pure skincare products that you can make at home!

How to Get Rid of Spectacles Naturally #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video to know how to get rid of spectacles naturally!

Heal Thyroid Naturally #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video to know how to heal thyroid naturally!

Heal PCOD & Irregular Periods Naturally #IndianSignLanguage #SatvicMovement

ISH News is now making Satvic Movement’s video accessible in Indian Sign Language! Watch our latest video to get recipes for their ‘Heal PCOD & Irregular Periods Naturally’!

Watch Satvic Movement in ISL Only on ISH News!

ISH News is working with Satvic Movement to provide information about leading a healthy natural lifestyle through Indian Sign Language interpretation!

Benefits of Rose Water for Skin & Hair

Rose water comes with great benefits when it comes to skincare. Watch our latest video to learn all about it!

Best Home Remedies To Naturally Treat Constipation

Constipation can have a negative impact on the quality of life and can affect the person's physical and mental health. Here is a quick video with natural home remedies for frequent bowel movements.

Chinese Scientists Discuss Weaponization of COVID-19 in 2015

The paper titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons suggested that World War Three would be fought with biological weapons.

Health Benefits of Ice Apples

Quench your thirst this summer with Ice Apples. This natural coolant that also has several other incredible health benefits.

Natural Ways to get Rid of Dark Knees & Elbows

Watch our latest video to learn about 5 simple ways that will effectively lighten dark elbows and knees.

Uttarakhand’s Glacier Burst Cause Dangerous Floods

Uttarakhand witnessed a major natural disaster when a glacier burst in the Chamoli district and triggered a massive avalanche.

Baking Soda & Vinegar: Ways To Clean Your Home

Baking soda and vinegar are both brilliant natural cleaning agents. See the video to know some ways to use it.

Hacks to Dye Clothes Naturally

There are many natural food items that can help dye white cloth. Watch the video to know more.