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Search results for 'Transplant'

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19 Year Old Pakistani Girl Gets an Indian Heart

Pakistani teenager Ayesha Rashan receives life-saving heart transplant in India, highlighting cross-border compassion and medical collaboration.

Bihar: Woman's Kidney Stolen By the Doctors?

Sunita Devi, a woman from Muzaffarpur in Bihar whose kidneys were allegedly illegally taken by a hospital, has demanded that the doctor's organs be transplanted to her.

Indigo Transports Heart from Vadodara to Mumbai in 2.5 Hours

A live heart which was donated by someone in Vadodara was successfully transported from Vadodara to Mumbai by an IndiGo flight on June 7 in just over two hours

Doctors Perform Double Lung Transplant and Save Cancer Patient

US doctors announced Thursday they had successfully performed a double lung transplant on a patient with terminal lung cancer, giving new hope to others who also are in advanced stages of the deadly d

Man Donates Kidney to Wife On Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day 2021, Vinod Patel in order to save his wife Rita’s life donated a kidney to her. See the video to know more about the couple.

Monika More Mumbai’s First Hand Transplant Patient

After falling into the gap between the train and the platform, Monika More has become Mumbai’s first hand transplant patient.