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Search results for 'addiction'

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Elon Musk’s Satellite Makes Amazon Forest Tribe Addicted to Porn

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite has brought internet to a remote Amazon tribe, leading to youth addiction to games and porn, and causing concern among elders.

Caffeine: Friend or Enemy?

Caffeine, in moderation, boosts alertness but excessive intake can lead to various side effects, so understanding safe limits and alternatives is crucial for overall health.

Meet The Woman Who Eats 4 Rolls of Toilet Paper Everyday

Did you know Kinah from Maryland has a strange addiction to eating toilet paper due to a condition called pica?

Telangana: Parents Got Their Own Alcoholic Son Killed

In a shocking incident, a couple in Telangana's Khammam hired killers to get their only son killed as they were frustrated by his alcohol addiction and harassment.

Infants Spend Too Much Time watching TV

Researchers have found that the amount of time children are spending each day watching television or using a computer or mobile device is increasing at an alarming rate.